Victor Cissé
Founder and publication director
- 51 Rue Carroi du Vigneau, Villeperdue, 37260
- All rights and copyrights reserved
- Web host :
- Conception :, Elementor and Kamika
General usage Conditions 2023
By browsing on the website, the user is accepting the general usage conditions.
No data as been stored or acquired from this website.
Website conditions
This website is the propriety of Victor Cissé. Any photos, text, logos or videos are protected by the author rights. Nothing should be partially or completely taken from this website without proper authorisation. If not followed, these conditions will lead to lawsuits (in France) against any offender.
Photos conditions
Victor Cissé as all rights reserved on every photography on this website. No unauthorized usage (such as copy, print or any other usage) on any media (Website, print, video, etc.) will be accepted. Contact must be made and acceptation must be received before creating anything. Madchromed is keeping the right to take law actions (in France) against anyone not following these conditions.
Madchromed is not willing to sell the entire propriety of his photos, texts or videos. But we are open to collaboration, feel free to contact us.